I'm here to talk about beautiful Somalia.

 Hi everyone! Today, I'm here to talk about beautiful Somalia. As you know, it is a stunningly gorgeous country in East Africa--full of life and culture. Somalis are an incredibly welcoming people with warm hospitality that extends beyond the language barrier; regardless if you speak Somali or not.

In this video we will explore some of its main attractions, such as its ancient cities like Mogadishu and Baidoa, its unique cuisine ranging from spiced rice dishes to fruit dipped in honey sauce known as malawah and even some traditional dances performed by many tribes throughout Somalia. We'll also visit a few places near Kismayo where locals practice their everyday routines while they go fishing on boats made of reeds called Jubas or harvesting locally grown bananas known as Banat Shireh which can be found all over the local markets well into December when mangoes become available for sale too!

Finally, let's look at the importance of education in Somalia--where knowledge is treasured above most things despite being one of the poorest countries in Africa due to conflict-related issues from civil wars lasting over two decades now . Thanks for watching my video on Sokoto - there’s so much more to learn but we have only scratched the surface today!


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