President: "We must ensure that Somalis live free from fear, tyranny and oppression"

Mogadishu, 10 December 2015: On International Human Rights Day, the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, confirmed Somalia’s commitment protecting and promoting human rights in Somalia.
“We must renew our efforts in demonstrating our commitment to the intrinsic value of each human life in Somalia: man, woman or child. Not only should our Constitution and legislative environment enshrine human rights as a guiding principle, our government systems and processes should allow these principles to be applied throughout Somalia. Moreover, we must be sure, as individuals, in our day-to-day life to give truth to the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) example of looking after the less fortunate and most vulnerable among us.
“Somalia is making headway in ensuring a human rights approach to the way the government does business and conducts itself, but there is much more to be done. As Somalia moves forward on its pathway of peace and prosperity, as President, I echo the global sentiment and pledge to ensure that Somalis will live a life free from fear, tyranny and oppression,” said the President.


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