The Prime Minister, H.E. Hamza Abdi Barre, today issued the following statement on International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

The Prime Minister, H.E. Hamza Abdi Barre, today issued the following statement on International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

“On the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, I wish to underline the importance of the role that journalists play in our country and the development of our nation. Without journalists working in a safe and secure environment, Somalia cannot attain the growth it aims for.

Indeed, the Federal Government of Somalia has made great strides toward improving the safety of journalists and media workers in the country in the face of threats from terrorist elements like Al-Shabaab. They continue to wage indiscriminate attacks against civilian populations.

With this regard, my government vehemently condemns perpetrators of the heinous terrorist attacks in Mogadishu that left more than one hundred innocent Somali lives, including two prominent journalists, dead on October 29th, 2022.

My government, as directed by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, is completely committed to removing the menace of Al-Shabaab and its criminal activities within the borders of the Republic so that our citizens, including journalists, can live and work in a free and peaceful environment.

As we mark the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, I would like to underscore those crimes against journalists, in all their shapes and forms, have no place in Somalia. Thus, those found responsible for such crimes will face the full force of the law as we uphold the right to freedom of information.

The Federal Government of Somalia attaches great importance to the development of a free and vibrant media landscape in the country. Therefore, we will give utmost priority to the implementation of the UN and National Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists, with specific regard to creating a conducive environment for Somali journalists and media workers to exercise their right to freedom of information without fear of reprisal whatsoever.”




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