
Showing posts from 2022

Making money online is easy

 Introduction Making money online is a dream for many people, but it takes discipline and dedication to get where you want to be. 1. Making Money With A Blog Start a blog Find a niche you're interested in, and make it your mission to learn everything you can about it. You'll want to write about the why and not just the how (this is something of an art). Write about your area of interest on a regular basis—at least once a week or every other day, if possible (but don't make it too infrequent). That's what will keep readers coming back for more content! Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing 2. Teaching Lessons Online Teaching lessons online is one of the most popular ways to make money on the internet. You can teach your own specialties, such as music or art, or you can teach a general subject that is applicable to many different interests. You'll need a website before you start teaching online so students can find you and pay for your services. Your website sho

make money online is easy

Making money online is easy Making money online is a dream for many people, but it takes discipline and dedication to get where you want to be. 1. Making Money With A Blog Start a blog Find a niche you're interested in, and make it your mission to learn everything you can about it. You'll want to write about the why and not just the how (this is something of an art). Write about your area of interest on a regular basis—at least once a week or every other day, if possible (but don't make it too infrequent). That's what will keep readers coming back for more content! Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing 2. Teaching Lessons Online Teaching lessons online is one of the most popular ways to make money on the internet. You can teach your own specialties, such as music or art, or you can teach a general subject that is applicable to many different interests. You'll need a website before you start teaching online so students can find you and pay for your services. Yo

How to delete instagram account 2023


On Human Rights Day, SJS calls on accountability for violations against freedom of expression

  MOGADISHU, Somalia 10 December 2022  – Marking International Human Rights Day, the Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) today calls on accountability for the human rights violations in Somalia, including the abuses committed against journalists and the media community. Every year on 10 December, the world marks Human Rights Day, the very day when, in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This year’s Human Rights Day theme is “Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All”. Sadly, the  decline  of media freedom and the rise in threats to the safety of journalists has become a worrying trend in Somalia. According to SJS documentation, two prominent journalists were killed while chasing a story on 30 September 2022. Another 28 journalists and media professionals were arbitrarily  detained  across Somalia (including Somaliland) since 1 June 2022; while eight others were injured as a result of gunshots or bomb attacks in Mogadishu and Hi

This Motivation Video Will Change Your Life!


Waxbarasho lacag la'aan ah u doono Alison


Life of a college student


funniest video in the world part two


The president of Somalia made a speech today at the World Climate Confer...


These videos will make you laugh out loud, no matter how you feel about ...


My Favorite Pasta: And The Reason You MUST Try It


This cook is SO CRAZY good, you won't believe how easy it is to make her...


The Prime Minister, H.E. Hamza Abdi Barre, today issued the following statement on International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

The Prime Minister, H.E. Hamza Abdi Barre, today issued the following statement on International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists “On the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, I wish to underline the importance of the role that journalists play in our country and the development of our nation. Without journalists working in a safe and secure environment, Somalia cannot attain the growth it aims for. Indeed, the Federal Government of Somalia has made great strides toward improving the safety of journalists and media workers in the country in the face of threats from terrorist elements like Al-Shabaab. They continue to wage indiscriminate attacks against civilian populations. With this regard, my government vehemently condemns perpetrators of the heinous terrorist attacks in Mogadishu that left more than one hundred innocent Somali lives, including two prominent journalists, dead on O

Special fish cooking


Unbelievable! Somali girl performs incredible dance routine to pop song


Madam Snake: The Most Astonishing Footage Ever Seen


Sidee loo sameeyaa Dalac Bilaash Dhedhen leh


DV lottery 2023 oo maal yar ka dib bilaaban doona ku guuleyso lottery sanadkaan si aan kaag caawinno xareynata #Lottery ga fadlan nasoo xiriir


How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 7 Figures From Them

"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 7 Figures From Them"   *Earnings and income representations made by Matt Par,, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results from years of testing. We can get in NO way guarantee you will get similar results. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have had the benefit of practicing YouTube since 2014 and have an established following . The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors. This site is not a part of the YouTube website. Additionally,  This site is NOT endorsed by YouTube in any way


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Ra'iisul Wasaare Xamse oo boggaadiyey hawlgallada Gobolka Hiiraan ee ciidamadu kula dagaallamayaan Argagixisada

  Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xamse Cabdi Barre ayaa gaaray magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta Gobolka Hiiraan, si ay ugu kuur-galaan xaaladda abaaraha, una dhiirigeliyaan ciidamada qalabka sida ee la dagaallamaya kooxda argagixisada. Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayaa soo dhaweynta ka dib, kulan la qaatay maamulka iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada oo uu ka dhageystay warbixinno ku saabsan xaaladda arrimaha bulshada ee magaalada Beledweyne iyo saameynta abaartu ku yeelatay gobolka. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa uga mahadceliyay bulshada Beledweyne soo dhaweynta diirran ee u sameeyeen, isaga iyo wafdiga uu hoggaaminayo, isaga oo ammaanay hawlgallada ciidamadu kula dagaallamayaan kooxaha argagixisada, kuwaaas oo ka xorreeyey deegaanno badan. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Mudane Xamse Cabdi Barre oo weheliyo Madaxweynaha maamul gobolleedka HirShabelle, Mudane Cali Cabdullaahi Guudlaawe, ayaa kormeeray Ciidamadda Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ee

Kulan wadareedka Golaha Wasiirrada XFS oo maanta ka furmay magaalada Muqdisho.

      Muqdisho, Agaasto 23, 2022-- Kulanka Wadareedka Golaha Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee socon doonna muddada labada cisho ah, ayaa lagu lafa gurayaa howllaha mudnaanta u leh xukuumadda iyo habka loo xoojin karo wadashaqeynta wasaaradaha iyo hay’addaha kala duwan ee dowladda. Arrimaha ugu muhiimsan ee diiradda lagu saari doonno kulan wadareedka Golaha Wasiirrada ayaa ah, lix qodob oo koobaya barnaamijka xukuumadda Dan-Qaran. Wada shaqeynta hay'adaha dowladda, falanqeynta howllaha hortabinta u leh xukuumadda, adkeynta ku dhaqanka xeerarka dalka iyo fahamka Xeer hoosaadka Golaha wasiirada. Dhawrista iyo ku dhaqanka habraacyada heshiisyada ay hay’adaha dowladdu la galayaan hay’ada kale, hagaajinta habka xog-wadaagidda hay’adaha Dowladda dhexdooda iyo la wadaagidda dadweynaha xog mideysan. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xa

How Important Is It To Stay Hydrated?

 Hydradu waxay muhiim u tahay ilaalinta caafimaadka wanaagsan. 1 Biyuhu waxay ka kooban yihiin in ka badan kala bar miisaanka jidhkeenna waxayna muhiim u yihiin dhammaan hawlaheenna jirkeena, 2 iyo unug kasta oo jirkeenna ku jira waxay ku xiran tahay biyaha inay si habboon u shaqeeyaan. 3 Si kastaba ha ahaatee, in kasta oo ay jirto muhiimadda ay leedahay biyuhu, dad badani ma cabaan wax ku filan maalin kasta.   Xadiga biyaha aad u baahan tahay waxay ku xiran yihiin arrimo dhowr ah, oo ay ku jiraan heerka waxqabadkaaga, cimilada aad ku nooshahay iyo caafimaadka guud ahaan. 4 Iyadoo aysan jirin jawaab hal xajmi ah oo dhan, ayaa Akedemiyada Qaran ee Cilmiga Dalka Maraykanka, Injineeriyadda iyo Daawada waxay soo jeediyeen in celcelis ahaan, raggu ay cabbaan 15.5 koob (3.7 litir) oo dheecaan ah maalin kasta, halka haweenkuna ay cabbaan 11.5 koob (2.7 litir). 5   Dabcan, kani waa uun xeer guud. Baahida shakhsi ahaaneed ayaa laga yaabaa inay kala duwanaato iyadoo ku xiran waxyaabo kal