Press Release: PM Roble visits the wounded construction workers after Mogadishu-Afgoye corridor terror attack.


The Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E Mohamed Hussein Roble, tonight visited the wounded construction workers at the Mogadishu-Afgoye corridor who are admitted at the Erdogan Hospital in Mogadishu.

The Prime Minister took time to stand beside each of the wounded heroes, of both Turkish and Somali nationalities, and enquired about their conditions. The PM wished the wounded a speedy recovery and commended the doctors for giving them specialized care.

“We pray to Allah to have mercy on the brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the callous terrorist attack today. They are heroes in the development of our country. Their lives have been cruelly cut short by heartless terrorists that are ever bent on besetting the progress and stability of our Nation. Their cowardly act will never deter us from sustaining development initiatives and continuing to partner with our brotherly Nation, Turkey, ”said the Somali Prime Minister, even as he committed to have the Government offset the treatment related costs of the hospitalized victims.

The Prime Minister thanked the Government and people of Turkey for standing with the Somali Government and people through thick and thin, as he offered his condolences to the families of the two Turkish citizens who died in today's tragic terrorist attack.


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